Wooden Mindfulness Discussion Dice for Children – giftwinkle

Wooden Mindfulness Discussion Dice for Children

$39.99 USD
A set of three dice, with each side engraved with a sentence starter/prompt for a child to finish off. These include:

Today, I feel...
When I am ... I feel...
If my friend is down I....
I smile when...
I feel nervous when...
I really enjoy...

You are so kind
I trust you with everything
I can talk to you about anything
You are so caring
You are always there when I need you
You always make things better
I love you so much

Let¡®s cook together
My choice
Your choice

These are a brilliant resource for use at school or at home, leading to great discussion about feelings, thoughts, worries and more. Perfect for checking in with the children in a fun, relaxed manner.

SKU: GS021001